All Divine Intel Locations In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
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All Divine Intel Locations In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

All of your Summons in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can be upgraded when you visit Divine Intel locations scattered in the regions of each story Chapter. These shrines host a rhythm mini-game you can complete to strengthen the powerful allies you call upon from red Materia. Interacting with Divine Intel spots will also let you make boss fights against the strongest summons much easier.



Every summon unlocked in FF7 Rebirth through the NPC Chadley will have three Divine Intel locations each in the Chapter they were obtained in. For example, you can get the Titan summon by beating it in one of Chapter 2’s Combat Simulation Challenges. The surrounding Grasslands area hosts the shrines for your party to find, either to lower the boss’ difficulty or upgrade it once its Materia is earned.

Divine Intel locations are also called
on your map as you mark them in the world. Follow waypoints and look for places of interest to discover a Sanctuary as you explore.

Every Grasslands Divine Intel Location

Aerith stretching arms out while party enters the Grasslands region in Chapter 2 of FF7 Rebirth

The first large area your party can explore is the Grasslands in Chapter 2 of FF7 Rebirth, which introduces you to regions in the game. Every section of the story has a new open world to explore with many hidden secrets, side quests, and more. Finding the Divine Intel locations here will not only help you upgrade the Titan summon Materia but also let you complete Chadley’s World Intel data for extra rewards.

Divine Intel

Where to Find

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Titan Sanctuary α

Near the eastern edge of the beach, inside a cave along a mountain pass right above the ocean.

Titan Sanctuary β

In a cave at the end of the broken bridge within the swamp area of this region. You’ll have to find some ledges to climb up the side of the bridge to reach this Sanctuary.

Titan Sanctuary y

Deep in a ravine below the Mako refinery in the mountainous area above the swamps. You should see some glowing yellow rocks indicating the Sanctuary is close by.


How To Beat The Titan Boss In FF7 Rebirth

To defeat the Titan boss and get it’s summon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, players will need to first first summon crystals to make it weaker.

Every Junon Divine Intel Location

FF7 Rebirth Junon cannon from story cutscene about to fire

Divine Intel Sanctuaries in the Junon region are tied to the Phoenix summon in FF7 Rebirth, a powerful avatar of fire and rebirth. This creature is an incredibly reliable ally in battle since they have the ability to both damage your enemies and heal your party. Upgrading the Phoenix’s Materia through Divine Intel shrines should be a priority for your team as you start adding new members like Yuffie.

Divine Intel

Where to Find

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Phoenix Sanctuary α

To the north of your Junon map, up a series of cliffs that you can only traverse with Chocobos that can climb up walls with red arrows on them. You can unlock these mounts from the “Stuck in a Rut” side quest in this Chapter.

Phoenix Sanctuary β

Within the northeastern mountains of Junon, in another area where you have to use climbing Chocobos. Look for orange glowing rocks near the first cliff you have to climb, then go up until you travel through a mountain pass containing the Sanctuary.

Phoenix Sanctuary y

Near the eastern edge of the Junon map, just along the coast from the Crow’s Nest camp.

Every Corel Divine Intel Location

FF7 Rebirth party driving Corel buggy through Mt. Corel region

During later Chapters, Chadley’s Combat Simulator offers the Alexander summon Materia through a tough boss battle. Discovering the locations of the Divine Intel in the Corel region will make this battle much easier for your party to beat in FF7 Rebirth. You’ll have to use some special gear to reach these Sanctuaries, which are hidden in harder to find spots than in previous parts of the game.

Divine Intel

Where to Find

Map Image

Alexander Sanctuary α

Near the southwest section of your map, close to the main route toward Mt. Corel. Swim through a small river next to the junction between two paths where glowing white rocks are located to reach this Sanctuary.

Alexander Sanctuary β

Only available in Chapter 9, this Sanctuary is to the southeast of Corel not too far from the ocean. Use grappling hooks on large cranes in the mountains here to reach a cave to your right that contains the Divine Intel shrine.

Alexander Sanctuary y

Close to the eastern border of Corel’s map, in a cave you can only reach by once again using grappling hooks. Find the tree with a blue cloth, then grapple toward the large metal structure ahead. Swing to the right to reach another cloth and a series of ledges painted yellow on a cliff nearby. The Sanctuary is in a cave to the left when you make it to the top of the cliff.

Every Gongaga Divine Intel Location

The jungles of Gongaga are a bit easier to navigate than Corel while you are searching for Divine Intel locations. Remember to find different mounts in FF7 Rebirth to make traveling faster since each Sanctuary is far from each other on the region map. Discovering each shrine here will allow you to empower the Kujata summon found through Chadley’s simulator data.

If you are having trouble locating the Divine Intel shrines in the dense forests of Gongaga, check out the above video by YouTube creator
to see exactly where you need to go!

Divine Intel

Where to Find

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Kujata Sanctuary α

Toward the northeast section of the map, in a cave above a waterfall near glowing purple rocks. Use a rope next to the waterfall to climb into the area with the Sanctuary.

Kujata Sanctuary β

In a secluded valley to the south you can reach on a green Chocobo. You need to use this mount to jump off a mushroom that launches you directly into the shrine’s location.

Kujata Sanctuary y

Near the western edge of the Gongaga map, toward the top of the Forested Ruins. Use a green Chocobo to bounce off a mushroom and travel upward until you see a rope along the main path. Climb this upward, then continue going up and follow glowing purple rocks to find the Sanctuary.

Every Cosmo Canyon Divine Intel Location

FF7 Rebirth Cloud looking over Cosmo Canyon region

Similar to other locations, you need special Chocobo mounts to reach different locations in Cosmo Canyon. The Bahamut Risen summon can only be strengthened when you have the means to interact with certain areas in this region of FF7 Rebirth. Look for glowing red rocks along different paths that indicate the presence of a Sanctuary close by.


FF7 Rebirth’s Major Red XIII Change Is Really A Clever Easter Egg

One weird Red XIII Easter egg has surprised many FF7 Rebirth players, but as it turns out, there’s a good explanation for it in the original game.

Divine Intel

Where to Find

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Bahamut Risen Sanctuary α

Inside a cave toward the middle of Cosmo Canyon that you can only reach by gliding through the air on a teal Chocobo. Look for a yellow flag that shows a ramp you can use to jump to the Sanctuary’s entrance.

Bahamut Risen Sanctuary β

Near the northeast edge of the map, in a cave past some cactus plants you can spot near red glowing rocks.

Bahamut Risen Sanctuary y

Before you reach this Sanctuary, you must go to the Ancient Capital Tower Activation Intel spot to the south of Cosmo Canyon. Go to Gliding Range No.16 and glide on a teal Chocobo across a gap over the canyon and turn left toward a glowing red rock. Head along the cliffs to your left to find the Sanctuary nearby.

Every Nibel Divine Intel Location

FF7 Rebirth Mako wellspring from Mt. Nibel in first Chapter flashback custscene

The locations around the Nibel region are filled with water, once again locking areas away from your party until you get a new type of Chocobo mount. The Odin summon is made stronger through these Divine Intel shrines, giving you one of the best allies in the game if you find all three. Look for landmarks in FF7 Rebirth like glowing blue rocks to find clues leading you toward the Sanctuaries in this large area.

Divine Intel

Where to Find

Map Image

Odin Sanctuary α

Close to the center of the Nibel map, swim in the Mako-infected waters on a blue Chocobo until you reach a cave to the left of a blue glowing rock. Use this mount’s water jet ability to fly up into the Sanctuary above the water in the cave.

Odin Sanctuary β

Near the southwest of Nibel, along the edge of the cliffs leading toward the ocean. Use a blue Chocobo’s water jet to launch yourself into the air, where you should see the Sanctuary at the top of a mountain within a cave.

Odin Sanctuary y

On a secluded island to the east that you can only reach by using a blue Chocobo water jet. The inside of this mountain is somewhat hollow toward its back, giving you a way into the landmass. Travel up through the water inside the mountain, then follow a path to your right to find the last Sanctuary.

Those looking to 100% complete the game will need to track down every shrine across each explorable area in various story Chapters. Finding all the Divine Intel shrine locations in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will allow you to unlock a final summon Materia, the mysterious Gilgamesh in a hidden side quest.

Source: Arbuckle/YouTube

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth New Poster-2

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy 7

February 29, 2024

Square Enix Business Division 1

Action RPG , Adventure

Unreal Engine 4


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