Big men are back in style in the NBA

The 1995-96 season was the end of the golden era for big men in the NBA. Patrick Ewing, Hakeem Olajuwon, David Robinson and Shaquille O’Neal were stuffing opponents into lockers with their unstoppable back-to-the-basket games. They were the superstars in the paint, but Alonzo Mourning, Rik Smits, and many others dominated a league in which […]

4 mins read

Charles Barkley proves why CNN’s King Charles was a bad idea

Nobody asked for this, but, yet, here we are. In the middle of a volatile election year where Charles Barkley has free reign to spew his illogical political takes on TV. True bipartisanship looks like viewers from both parties working together to make this end. Who asked for a Charles Barkley & Gayle King CNN […]

5 mins read