Venom Redesign Puts a Chilling New Spin on the Symbiote’s Chest Logo
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Venom Redesign Puts a Chilling New Spin on the Symbiote’s Chest Logo


  • Venom’s terrifying new logo redesign highlights his obsession with Peter Parker and the trauma he caused the hero.
  • Artist BossLogic showcases just how monstrous Venom can be with a dark take on the antihero’s appearance.
  • If not for Peter Parker, Venom’s other hosts like Eddie Brock would share a more equal connection with the symbiote.



A new Venom redesign is putting a terrifying spin on his iconic chest logo. The giant white spider on Venom’s chest has become as intrinsic to his character as the spider is to Spider-Man. It’s an important symbol that shows just how tethered the symbiote was to Peter Parker when the two first bonded in the character’s first appearance, and how much he still misses the connection even after finding a pairing with Eddie Brock. However, a new redesign has highlighted just how horrific the symbiote can be, completely redefining his chest logo forever.

Artist BossLogic took to Instagram recently to showcase a dark take on Venom. The use of blacks with slightly visible lights shows off just how monstrous the antihero can be, and the red light emitting from his mouth highlights the bond with its host as they are capable of viewing the world through Venom’s massive jaws. However, the scariest part of this artwork is the chest logo. Rather than his iconic chest emblem, Spider-Man’s Stark spider suit from the MCU is just barely visible.

The fact that Venom is essentially engulfing the webhead with his logo just slightly in view highlights just how horrific the symbiote is, and the trauma that Peter Parker endured years later from his less-than-smooth experience was absolutely warranted.

Venom’s Horrifying Redesign Shows Why Peter and the Symbiote Weren’t a Good Fit

Spider-Man Fights Off the Venom Symbiote in the Church Tower

“Venom was consuming Peter both physically and literally, and it took him nearly killing himself with the sound of a ringing church bell to finally rid himself of the symbiote’s darkness.”

The Alien Costume Saga was undoubtedly one of the most defining moments in Spider-Man’s history, and it’s because of how it showed Spider-Man at his absolute lowest. His bond with Venom accentuated his anger, highlighting just how much he was losing himself and providing an excellent visual representation of why the hero could never truly go to the dark side. Unlike Eddie Brock, Venom was consuming Peter both physically and literally, and it took him nearly killing himself with the sound of a ringing church bell to finally rid himself of the symbiote’s darkness. This symbolism is perfectly visualized in BossLogic’s artwork, showing just how obsessive Venom’s need for Peter was. He didn’t want to let him go, and this led to him completely taking over Spider-Man inside and out.

Venom’s Other Hosts Had More Equal Connections with the Symbiote

Venom and Eddie Brock Bonded

Perhaps the most interesting thing about this redesign for Venom is how things would change if Peter wasn’t at the center of this artwork. If some of Venom’s other hosts, such as Eddie Brock, were to take his place, it’s highly unlikely that Venom would be featured more than his host. Since he found a more codependent bond in his other hosts outside of Peter Parker, the symbiote and his host would certainly be featured prominently to showcase just how in-sync the two are. One is not more in control than the other. They’re one universal being, and it would reflect this in this type of redesign with features like Eddie Brock’s face peeking past the jaws with a firm grin on his face.


She-Hulk, Wolverine & Moon Knight’s Official Venomized Forms Revealed as Marvel Rewrites the Symbiote’s History

A new What If…? series is giving heroes like She-Hulk, Moon Knight and Wolverine their own official symbiote forms in a rewrite of Venom’s origins.

While Venom has certainly proven himself to be a worthy antihero over the years, the horrors of the symbiote’s early years bonded with Peter Parker can’t be overlooked. The merging of him and Spider-Man nearly made the hero lose himself due to Venom slowly taking over. Had Spider-Man not shaken the Alien Costume off in the bell tower, Venom would likely have consumed him and controlled Peter as his own with just the simple chest logo being all that remains of Marvel’s most iconic hero.

Source: BossLogic

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