Wolverine Could Never Prepare for Sabretooth’s Ultra-Powerful New Weapon
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Wolverine Could Never Prepare for Sabretooth’s Ultra-Powerful New Weapon


  • The “Sabretooth War” continues to escalate, as Sabretooth unleashes his new weapon, the preserved head of powerful psychic Kid Omega, elevating Wolverine’s antagonist to a threat-level unlike any he has present before.
  • Victor Creed’s control over Kid Omega’s mind has given him a significant advantage in the “War,” as not even the psychics on Logan’s side of the conflict appear to be safe.
  • While Wolverine is facing tough odds against Sabretooth, there’s still hope for a turnaround before the “Sabretooth War” reaches its brutal climax; Victor Creed’s list of enemies continues to grow, as even his own army of variants seems to have grown discontented with his leadership.



Warning: Contains spoilers for Wolverine #45!!

Since the Sabretooth War kicked off, Victor Creed has kept the element of surprise. Wolverine hasn’t been able to anticipate, or thwart, any of Creed’s attacks. Now, the villain has added another incredible tool to his arsenal: the preserved head, and mind, of Kid Omega. Creed is getting in the double-punch of hurting Logan, and turn an Omega-level telepath in his greatest weapon.

Wolverine #45 – written by Benjamin Percy & Victor LaValle, with art from Geoff Shaw, color by Alex Sinclair, and lettering from Cory Petit – reveals more about how Sabretooth has weaponized the mind of early “Sabretooth War” casualty Quentin Quire, which he used to enable the psychic attack against Phoebe Cuckoo in Wolverine #44.

Wolverine #45, Sabretooth shocks Kid Omega's preserved head to control him.

Not only did his army of variants violently tear Kid Omega apart, but Victor also managed to preserve the young mutant’s mind using Orchis tech, allowing him to weaponize the psychic plane against Logan and his allies.

There is still time for the tables to turn in the “Sabretooth War,”, but hope might be running out for the heroes.


“It’s Like Sending the Hobbits To Mordor In Chapter 1”: X-Men’s Long-Term Approach To Wolverine’s Greatest Villain Is Finally Paying Off

Wolverine writer Benjamin Percy once used a Lord of the Rings analogy to describe the narrative patience that is now paying off with “Sabretooth War.”

Sabretooth Is Playing Mind Games With Logan On An Entirely New Level

Wolverine #45 – Written By Benjamin Percy & Victor LaValle; Art By Geoff Shaw, Color By Alex Sinclair, & Lettering By Cory Petit

While Wolverine and Sabretooth have a brutal and bloody history, the Sabretooth War has pushed it to a new level by giving Victor Creed a profound upper hand.

Thus far, having control of Quentin has given him bait for Logan, the ability to attack his team, and a guide to navigate Krakoa. While it remains unclear exactly what Creed is searching for, having Kid Omega along has given him a versatile weapon. While Wolverine and Sabretooth have a brutal and bloody history, the Sabretooth War has pushed it to a new level by giving Victor Creed a profound upper hand. Not only has he recruited an entire army, but he has eliminated or captured multiple people Logan holds dear.

With more resources than ever, Creed’s hits keep coming and Wolverine’s crew has no way of knowing what he’ll pull with an Omega telepath on a leash, considering has already used Quire to unleash a psychic attack and get him inside Krakoa. To make matters worse, Sabretooth’s new telepathic edge leaves Logan vulnerable. His rescue effort gets turned around on him immediately, as Quentin is forced to manipulate Wolverine’s mind and rope him into the search mission. For the time being, Sabretooth holds all the cards and power.

Sabretooth Has The Upper Hand – But His List Of Enemies Is Growing

Wolverine #45, Sabretooth uses Kid Omega's powers to take control of Wolverine's mind

There is still time for the tables to turn in the “Sabretooth War,”, but hope might be running out for the heroes, especially if Victor Creed gets to the mysterious item he’s searching for. With Kid Omega’s psychic powers at his disposal, not even the combined efforts of Logan and his group, the Exiles, and Creed’s own army of Sabretooth variants – who have already turning on their “leader,” as is their nature – may not be enough to stop him at that point.

Wolverine hasn’t lost the Sabretooth War yet. Although Creed is exercising a lot of control over him, Kid Omega’s mind is intact, and he remains one of the “most powerful psychics there is.” He’s also one of the most stubborn and has already sent a signal to the Exiles to set them on their trail. Victor’s plan seems to require complete compliance, but that’s the last thing he’ll get from Quentin Quire, who has already died in service of Krakoa countless times. Sabretooth has a powerful psychic weapon, but one act of defiance could let Wolverine win the war.

Wolverine #45 is available now from Marvel Comics.

WOLVERINE #45 (2020)

Wolverine #45 cover, Sabretooth & Wolverine lunge at one another; Sabretooth variants in background.

  • Writer: Benjamin Percy & Victor LaValle
  • Artist: Geoff Shaw
  • Colorist: Alex Sinclair
  • Letterer: Cory Petit
  • Cover Artist: Leinil Francis Yu

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