8 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching The Legend Of Korra 10 Years After It Ended
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8 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching The Legend Of Korra 10 Years After It Ended


  • The lack of a long-term plan hurt
    The Legend of Korra
    ‘s storytelling structure and overall potential.
  • Romantic relationships in
    The Legend of Korra
    feel disappointing and lack satisfying development, especially upon a rewatch.
  • The Legend of Korra
    falls short of its predecessor in several ways, and its story and ending can feel bittersweet.



It’s hard to believe The Legend of Korra ended 10 years ago, and rewatching the series today brings up some harsh realities about The Last Airbender sequel. Set 70 years after the events of The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra follows the Avatar after Aang — and her journey to mastering her powers is far different from his. Korra lives in a world that’s more unified and technologically advanced than the one Aang inhabits in ATLA. However, there are still threats she must contend with, pushing her to learn the four elements and fully embrace being the Avatar.

Although The Legend of Korra takes its lead on a different journey than The Last Airbender, it still features the heart and humor that made the original series great. With that in mind, there are some things that don’t hold up as well upon a rewatch. Ten years after its series finale, there are a few things about The Legend of Korra that might raise some eyebrows.

The Legend of Korra is available to stream on Netflix and Paramount+.

8 Nickelodeon’s Lack Of A Long-Term Plan Hurt The Legend Of Korra

The Series Didn’t Have An Overarching Story Like The Last Airbender

Nickelodeon ordered a three-season run consisting of 60 episodes for Avatar: The Last Airbender from the jump, but The Legend of Korra wasn’t so lucky (via CBR). Executive producer Yoo Jae-Myung told The INNERview that the network wasn’t as confident in the sequel series, resulting in The Legend of Korrra facing a bumpier road than its predecessor. The series was initially meant to be one season long, and its following outings were renewed one by one. Because of this, series creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko couldn’t plan an overarching story like they did for The Last Airbender.

This hurt The Legend of Korra in the long run, and that’s still evident 10 years later. A rewatch reveals how fractured the sequel series’ story is, with a new villain and plot cropping up each season. Korra’s growth remains constant through it all, but The Legend of Korra just doesn’t have the same well-crafted structure or stakes as ATLA. Nickelodeon’s lack of a long-term plan is to blame for this, as it prevented the sequel from reaching its true potential.

7 The Legend Of Korra’s Romantic Relationships Aren’t Handled Well

Even The Show’s Best Relationship Is Too Understated

The romances in The Legend of Korra were never the most compelling part of the show, and they feel even more disappointing upon a rewatch. The love triangle between Korra, Asami, and Mako seems pointless in hindsight, especially since its early scenes never allude to the show’s true endgame: Korra and Asami. Bolin’s relationships also aren’t that interesting, and there’s far too much drama among the series’ main characters. It makes sense given their ages, but it also takes away from the main story at times.

While Korra and Asami’s relationship offers LGBTQ+ representation within The Last Airbender universe, it’s also too understated to feel satisfying. The two walk off into the sunset — or Spirit World — together, but their relationship isn’t explicitly confirmed on-screen. With LGBTQ+ relationships more common in present-day television, this is even more disappointing 10 years after the finale. Fortunately, The Legend of Korra comics confirm and depict Korra and Asami’s romance.

6 The New Team Avatar Doesn’t Compare To The Old One

Korra’s Gang Just Isn’t As Memorable

The Legend of Korra‘s Team Avatar doesn’t compare to the main team from The Last Airbender, and that’s been evident since the sequel series premiered. However, it’s even more clear upon a rewatch, as these characters don’t leave the same impression as Aang and his friends. Korra is occasionally a more interesting main character than Aang. But Mako, Bolin, and even Asami never reach the heights of characters like Katara, Sokka, and Toph. They just aren’t as memorable, and that becomes noticeable when returning to the series and realizing their stories haven’t stuck like the previous team’s.

5 Grown-Up Aang Isn’t What Last Airbender Fans Expected

The Legend Of Korra’s Depiction Of Aang Is Disappointing

Aang visits Korra in The-Legend-of-Korra

Before Korra loses her connection to the previous Avatars, she’s able to speak with an adult version of Aang. The Legend of Korra also offers glimpses of the man Aang becomes through an elderly Katara and their children. Unfortunately, grown-up Aang isn’t what most Last Airbender fans expected. For one, the sequel show’s suggestion that he lets his duty come before his family is a massive blow to his character, especially after he spends so much of The Last Airbender prioritizing both his friends and his role as the Avatar. Many of Aang’s scenes also lack the lighthearted spirit and humor he showed in the original show.

4 Team Avatar Growing Up Never Gets Less Sad

Sokka’s Fate Is Especially Upsetting

The members of the original Team Avatar are either elderly or deceased in The Legend of Korra, and this fact only gets sadder over time. While Aang lives on through the Avatar connection — at least for a little while — Sokka is dead and barely appears in the sequel series. If this isn’t upsetting enough, Katara, Toph, and Zuko are all much older, serving as a reminder that their time as close friends has come to an end. Seeing Iroh in the Spirit World is also a tragic reminder that the days of ATLA are long gone.

3 The Legend Of Korra’s Themes Don’t All Hold Up Years Later

Its Messaging Can Feel A Bit Murky At Times

Korra airbending in The Legend of Korra.

At its core, Avatar: The Last Airbender is about overthrowing an oppressive regime, and many of its themes are straightforward and hold up more than a decade after its finale. The same can’t be said for The Legend of Korra, which tackles important topics like PTSD, class consciousness, and political corruption but doesn’t always do them justice. While The Legend of Korra‘s exploration of PTSD is groundbreaking for its time, it’s take on authoritative systems and oppression is a mixed bag. Its themes are more complex than good versus evil, but sometimes that makes its messaging murkier than it should be.

2 The Legend Of Korra Got Way More Criticism Than It Deserved

It’s A Solid Follow-Up To Avatar: The Last Airbender

The Legend of Korra promo art featuring the titular protagonist bending fire and water.

If one thing is clear from watching The Legend of Korra 10 years after its finale, it’s that the series received way more criticism than it actually deserved. The Legend of Korra has been a controversial show since it premiered, and many viewers wrote it off for being too different from The Last Airbender. These comparisons hurt a series that is otherwise a strong follow-up. While The Legend of Korra isn’t devoid of flaws, it certainly doesn’t deserve the backlash it often receives. A rewatch affirms that fact, raising questions about why so many The Last Airbender fans hate Korra.

1 The Legend Of Korra’s Ending Is More Bittersweet After 10 Years

No Animated Avatar Projects Have Come Out Since (But They’re On The Way)

The Legend of Korra ending

The Legend of Korra’s ending is even more bittersweet 10 years after it aired, and that’s because there haven’t been any new Last Airbender projects since it took its final bow. This gives the series finale a more definitive feeling, even if new projects from Avatar Studios are officially on the horizon. Netflix’s live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender and future Avatar Studios releases offer hope that this world can live on for much longer. However, The Legend of Korra’s ending is a reminder that it almost stopped there — and the franchise may have trouble moving beyond The Legend of Korra and into a future timeline.

Source: CBR, INNERview

The Legend of Korra Poster

The Legend of Korra

This spinoff of Avatar: The Last Airbender follows the titular Korra, the new generation’s Avatar and reincarnation of Aang. As an Avatar, Korra can bend all four elements, and the show follows her adventure through the difficulties in a rapidly growing world.

Release Date
April 14, 2012


michael dante dimartino , bryan konietzko

Joaquim Dos Santos

bryan konietzko

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