DC’s New Most Powerful Hero Is the Exact Opposite of Superman
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DC’s New Most Powerful Hero Is the Exact Opposite of Superman

Warning: Spoilers for Outsiders #4




  • Jenny Crisis’ emotional powers make her more dangerous than Superman.
  • Superman’s optimism contrasts Jenny Crisis’ uncontrollable and volatile abilities.
  • Jenny Crisis is a ticking time-bomb hero with amplified powers.

While DC Comics’ optimism is often defined by the spirit of Superman, the ongoing Outsiders series recently introduced a deadly, chaotic hero in Jenny Crisis. A miracle birth, the well-intentioned young woman is burdened with a power that can be both a gift and a curse: her emotions.

Outsiders follows the elite team of covert superheroes assembled for the purpose of special operations, typically under the Justice League’s radar. The 2023 series follows Batwoman, Batwing and Drummer as they undertake a series of missions around the world. In issue #4 by Jackson Lanzing, Colin Kelly, and Robert Carey, Jenny Crisis is introduced: a woman born with the ability to project her emotions, good and bad, onto the world population.

Jenny Crisis in Outsiders talks about her power

Despite the upsides of these abilities, their disastrous downsides requires a response from the Outsiders. Jenny Crisis had been driven to solitude by the instability of her powers. Anytime the young woman tries to forge a relationship, the emotional harm caused by betrayal or abandonment leads to the amplification of those feelings into the world. In Outsiders #4, this is taken to deadly extremes.

After being rejected by a woman, Jenny’s self-esteem took such a hit that it led to riots on six continents, an earthquake, and a 247 percent increase in suicides — grabbing the Outsiders’ attention.


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Jenny Crisis’ Intense Emotional Powers Make Her More Dangerous than Superman

Growing up, Jenny Crisis had a similar problem as Superman: she had to learn to control dangerous abilities. However, that struggle proved more difficult than the Man of Steel’s, since Jenny’s powers are directly tied to her emotional state. When she experienced true happiness, the world would suddenly enter an era of peace and prosperity. If she had her heart broken, it would lead to recessions, riots and instability. After being rejected by a woman, Jenny’s self-esteem took such a hit that it led to riots on six continents, an earthquake, and a 247 percent increase in suicides — grabbing the Outsiders’ attention.

The issue concludes with Jenny being informed that she is a “Century Baby,” an embodiment of the spirit of the 21st century. The hero decides to go her own way, embracing her unique place in the world. Although it does come with character growth, this also presents a major problem for the DCU. With Jenny’s powers now heightened — albeit with more self-control — the heroes have a ticking time-bomb of a hero in the wind. As much as she may be sure she can control it, it only takes one moment of emotional trauma for Jenny to unleash destruction.

Superman Will Never Be the Absolute Force that Jenny Crisis Is

Superman flying towards the reader in DC Comics

For most superheroes, the dangerous potential of their abilities isn’t an inherent threat, since they have their powers under control. For Jenny Crisis, however, the link between her emotional state and her unique gift makes for a uniquely uncontrollable and volatile power level. She creates an interesting mirror image of Superman. Where the Man of Steel’s abilities allow him to be a force for optimism and hope, Jenny is driven into solitude. And, unlike Superman, DC Comics’ latest “Century Baby” Jenny Crisis is intent on becoming a more radical — and dangerous — force for change.

Outsiders #4 is available now from DC Comics.

OUTSIDERS #4 (2024)

Outsiders 4 Main Cover: Drummers, Luke Fox, and Batwoman pose in London.

  • Writer: Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly
  • Artist: Robert Carey
  • Colorist: Valentina Taddeo
  • Letterer: Tom Napolitano
  • Cover Artist: Roger Cruz, Adriano Lucas

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